If you've homeschooled for any length of time, you will know that Field Trips are the glue that makes learning stick! The Exploring Creation Field Trip Journal from Apologia Educational Ministries as is a spiral bound, 8 1/2″ x 11″ notebook that you can use to organize and remember all the fun times and field trips you've shared.
Let's be honest... how may of you are digital photography people? I am - my phone IS my camera. However, I feel like I've lost something since I went 100% digital. Once upon a time, my children had scrapbooks... You know - those archival quality, acid free paper, decorated outrageously with stickers, die cuts and wavy edges masterpieces detailing their every moment? I quickly achieved burnout doing it that way, and they sit on the shelf...mostly unfinished. But, I miss how those scrapbooks helped us REMEMBER together what we were doing, feeling, and experiencing.
I am excited to get to show you a BETTER way to preserve your learning adventure. Exploring Creation Field Trip Journal from Apologia Educational Ministries guides you through documenting your school year adventures. It's a 64 page, spiral-bound journal that you customize with your experiences. You don't need to add stickers, die cuts, wavy edges... the pages are colorful and have plenty of space for you to record the important stuff.
In true Apologia form, this is more than just a journal though, it's a field-trip resource you won't want to miss. From "Preparing for a Field Trip" to "Field Trip Ideas" - they offer a wealth of information and ideas to make your field trips fun and educational. With more than 100 suggested field trip ideas, it'll get your creative juices flowing.
Here are some of the sections included:
This section allows you to journal about places you have explored. From your own state, the United States to the World. We're off to explore our new home state of Texas this year!
Blank Field Trip pages make up the majority of this journal, with space for 10 trips. Each Specific Trip can be recorded on a 2 page spread with places for:
- Date
- Time
- Location/Map
- Books I Read for this Trip
- Emergency Contact Plan
- Want to See or Do
- My Photo or Drawing
- Story of my Day
- Something I Never Want to Forget
My Special Spot is a section for you to notice fascinating changes that are happening all around you.
First, choose a spot in your yard or neighborhood - that's "natural".
Then, four times a year - visit that specific spot and document the season changes you find.
This is the perfect spot for your artist. As I See It is a place for your child to record their own thoughts and perspectives on several topics like:
- Movement
- Reflections & Shadows
- Patterns
- Textures & Colors
- Predators & Prey
- Heavens
- Earth
- God's Signature in Creation
This is a wonderful keepsake, and a great way to remember all you have done and learned this year. We are planning to do one for each year. It makes a great way to show off to the grandparents too. Our Field Trip Journal is going right next to those scrapbooks... but, this one will be finished!
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