Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Hardest Post

The hardest post I've ever written...

Matt is with Jesus.  Many of you know that my husband had been battling cancer last year.  We thought we had beaten it, we were wrong.

Cancer returned, metastasized to his liver.  By the time we found this out, he had only days left. We were given the gift of sweet, but brief, times together in his final moments. We had the chance to tell each other, with words, how much he meant to us.  Many do not get that gift, we are grateful.

We are heartbroken, devastated.   However, we do not grieve as those without hope!  We KNOW where Matt is (and I'm jealous) and we KNOW that this is not the end of the story.

God is good, all the time - some of Matt's final words to us.  We will cling to that reality.

I will share more as I am able to find the words.  We have been surrounded by love, we feel God's presence daily.

Dear friends have created a way to help us, many have asked for the link -  The Bentz Blessing Fund.

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