Thursday, April 6, 2017

Shepherd, Potter, Spy--and the Star Namer from Peggy Consolver - Author: A TOS Crew Review

Shepherd, Potter, Spy--and the Star Namer {Peggy Consolver}

Shepherd, Potter, Spy--and the Star Namer from Peggy Consolver - Author

"Just one more chapter...please!"  If you want to hear this, you need to read Shepherd, Potter, Spy--and the Star Namer from Peggy Consolver - Author to your children!

This page-turning, 375 page softcover book tells the story of Joshua 9 & 10 from an entirely untold side of the story - the Gibeonites!  The Bentz Test Laboratory enjoyed this one from the top down (ages 40-something to age 7).

Peggy Consolver
I love it when we can read a book that really brings the Bible to life for us.  This is just that type of book.  The author - Peggy Consolver is a true student of history and archaeology, as well as, a talented author. Check out this fascinating article of her experiences.  She has done plenty of research into this culture and time period, and it really shines in her story.  She brings the people, places and times of the Bible to life on each page.  It's one of the best written books I've read in quite awhile.

The story follows a young Gibeonite shepherd named Keshub as he lives and learns about the true God - the "Star Namer" and meets Joshua of the Bible.

Shepherd, Potter, Spy--and the Star Namer Peggy ConsolverKeshub is such a real character that we all found ways to identify with him.  His questions, his trials, and his triumphs all made us cheer! This story is woven with character lessons that will stick with you and your children.  
The 24 chapter book includes a list of "Characters and Relationships" in the beginning that really helps to get them straight.  We went back once in awhile for help.   The story alternates between the Gibeonites and the Hebrew camp, so it is very helpful.
The book includes some discussion questions in the back that are perfect for small group discussion. They make great conversation starters at the dinner table too :-)

The author has also written - Digging Deeper into HIStory ' which is a 13 unit  study guide of related information to delve into the story even more. 

 From downloadable maps to videos of how to use a sling (just like Keshub) you will find plenty to ignite your imagination as you read!  

Shepherd, Potter, Spy--and the Star Namer Peggy Consolver
Gibeon today
This is a great story.  Be sure to check it out!
Find Peggy Consolver - Author on Facebook

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Shepherd, Potter, Spy--and the Star Namer {Peggy Consolver Reviews}
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