Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Digital Savvy from CompuScholar, Inc.: A TOS Crew Reveiw

CompuScholar, Inc.
CompuScholar, Inc. Digital Savvy

Digital Savvy  from  CompuScholar, Inc.

Technology skills are NOT optional in today's world.  The Bentz Test Laboratory has been getting an education with Digital Savvy  from  CompuScholar, Inc.
This is a one-year, online course that will introduce your 6th-12th grade students to the valuable computer skills they need to know.  It's similar to what is covered in "Information Technology" classes - you can check out the syllabus here.
My tester is 14 and in 8th grade.  We are not huge technology users for our younger students, but by the time they hit high school, we want them to have a good mastery of how to use technology.  This course is a great fit.
This program is super easy to set up and use.  Both parent and student set up logins.  Once logged in, the student and pick and choose the topic they want to work on, or just start at the beginning like my tester did.  It's designed to be completed by the student independently and their own pace, and there is NO prep for mom!
25 chapters an additional supplemental lessons cover a broad range of topics from very basic introduction to computers, using spreadsheets, all the way to careers in computer technology.  Social media and working with digital images are included as well.  This is a very comprehensive program, and could easily count for high school credit. In fact, all of our high school students are working through this program!

Chapters are broken down into lessons.  Each lesson includes a video and text component, plus a quiz.  My tester liked the videos, but is much more of a visual learner, so preferred the text. I like that the program includes both.

 The quizzes allow for multiple tries, so if a concept isn't mastered - they can go back and redo it.   Hands-on activities to complete with a mid-term and final exam complete the course.

 User reports allow the student to see their progress, as well as grades from their automatically graded quizzes and tests.

Overall, my tester was impressed with the program.  The new updated look is very clean and professional.  I was impressed by the volume and quality of the information presented.  This is a well-designed, easy-to-use program that takes the mystery out of technology.
CompuScholar, Inc. offers other must-have technology courses you will want to check out: 

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Digital Savvy, Web Design & Java Programming {CompuScholar,Inc Reviews}

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