My son and I are going to India!
We have always known that we would go... When he was just a young boy, he told me about a dream that he had. He told me he was on an airplane to go to Africa, but when it landed he was in India. Ever since, he has had a "heart for India".

Our church - New Life Church - is a church devoted to building relationships, and sending people to fulfill the Great Commission. If it is Arkansas, the United States or the ends of the Earth (i.e. India) we are ALL called to be missionaries.
My son and I attended the missions meeting to learn about possible trips. Our goal at Bentz Academy is to raise "World Changers". Part of our hope (and a graduation requirement from our homeschool) is to go on a short-term mission trip. This will be our first international mission trip!
After we went to the meeting, my protective mommy heart began to wonder if now is our time to go? Isn't India a little "dangerous" to say the least, it's so far away, he's so young, we've never done this, who will take care of the rest of them? So many questions. We went to bed - and I told my son "Pray about it, and let's talk in the morning".
You can follow our progress - and find out how to help at my son's new blog : Chennai or Bust. He'll be sharing his journey, fun facts about India and learning new technology. Leave it to me to turn it into "school"! :-)
It's our time to GO - Chennai, India is our destination. Would you pray for us?
Prayers for you, what a Godly young man you are raising.
ReplyDeleteHow wonderfully exciting!! Praying for you guys!!
ReplyDeleteThat is so exciting. You all will definitely be in our prayers. Looking forward to reading about your adventure.
ReplyDeletePraying for your family. What a great experience for the two of you!