From their website:
"This Week in History is a daily resource that brings your home school or classroom to life! Whatever you want to learn, whatever there is to teach, it starts with history!
With a subscription to This Week in History, each day’s resources are an adventure in math, science, language skills, geography, current events, the arts and so on – all tied to events in history.
For just $9.99 per month, you have the world of learning available to help you lead and inspire your students to explore, learn and and excel!
This Week in History is provided as a weekly online bundle of resources that you can access in either of two ways:
- On the dedicated TWIH blog feed at
- Via an email sent directly to your inbox using our secure email service
I had read the book A Thomas Jefferson Education several years ago, and found it very interesting and inspiring to my homeschool journey. Read the Seven Keys of Great Teaching and Phases of Learning articles to learn more about this method.
This Week in History is one of my favorite resources!
I loved getting a weekly email full of so much inspiration. If you love to follow wherever your intrests lead you, you will appreciate this jam-packed resource. History tidbits, state studies, hands-on activities, famous birthdays, on and on!
Rather than trying to explain the depth of this resource, take a peek at this small section from a sample week (and you'll know why I was impressed - we're big frog fans around here!)- Remember, this is just a portion of what you get every week! Check out the entire sample week to see for yourself!
"2011: Festival of the “Jumping Frogs of Calaveras County”

The world-renowned Calaveras County Fair & Jumping Frog Jubilee has a rich heritage dating back to the 1800′s. In the early Gold Mining Days, the Mother Lode Country was very prosperous. It attracted many industrious individuals looking for adventure. One such individual was Samuel Clemens who regularly made the trip from San Francisco to a small mountain cabin near Angels Camp.
It was during one of Mr. Clemens’ trips that he heard a tale that inspired his first published work, “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”. The story records the antics of a character named Jim Smiley and his frog Dan’l Webster. Mr. Clemens first published this story in 1865 and used his pen name, “Mark Twain”, and so the legend began. [Source]
- The Celebrated Jumping Frog, Mark Twain
- Frog Biology (Scholarly and fun)
- Frog Songs

Froggy Research:
- What is the difference between a frog and a toad?
- What and how do frogs eat?
- How big can a Goliath frog grow?
- What is the smallest frog?
- How do frogs protect themselvs against their enemies?
- How do frogs make their sounds?
- What is the life cycle of a frog?
- Where do frogs live?
- What is an amphibian?
- Why are frogs important?
- Draw a picture of a frog (easy instructions for beginners)
- Write a froggy song.
- Read The Frog King by the Brothers Grimm
- Play leap frog
- Hunt for & raise tadpoles (Advice from the experts)
- Slow motion frog jump
- How far can you leap? Try a standing long jump. Here’s how >>
- Play around with this to see what factors change your measurements (jump from one foot, the other foot, up a slope, from a pedestal, arms out front, arms swinging loose, etc.). Make it a real experiment by guessing (a hypothesis) what will happen, and then keep score (data) and then analyze to discover why you were right or wrong in your guesses!

For just $9.99 a month - you get 4 weeks of these resources delivered to your inbox! Subscribers can reference past issues anytime they want. You'll never have to wonder what to teach again - you can make learning a fun adventure that they'll never forget!
Be sure to subscribe to the Free monthly "Inspire" newsletter and they'll send you 5 free gifts. Want daily inspiration? Sign up here for the "Daily Inspire".
Don't miss This Week in History- I guarantee you'll find so many ways to use these resources to make your homeschool learning come alive!
See what the other members of the TOS Review Crew thought here.
I was sent a complimentary subscription in exchange for my honest opinion as part of the TOS Review Crew.

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