From the website:
Household management training! Practical ideas
for how to make a family chore plan work – from a busy mom of eight and foster
mom of over fifty!
Includes the tried-and-true how-to-do-it cards
now used successfully in many households, ideas for using the cards as a
stand-alone system or to enhance virtually any other system you may currently
use, plus tips on how to organize your household to
maximize success. 88 pages; coil-bound glossy cover.
Practical advice from a mom of over fifty! That caught my attention right away!! Everyday Homemaking is a website that offers products not only
for homemaking but homeschooling as well. Viki Bently along with her husband
have fostered over 50 children since 1986. That's what I'm talking about - REAL LIFE, tried and true advice!
Everyday Family Chore System has 3 parts -
Part 1: Laying the foundation - This is the philosophy part. If you need motivation as to the "why" of kids and chores - don't skip this part. You will be inspired to start seeing your kids as you want them to be in the future. It all comes down to simple principles like -
Have realistic and age-appropriate expectations. Establish rules or standards. Have a working knowledge of family discipline. Tie strings to their hearts.
Part 2:
Implementing the Plan - Here's where the experience of the author shows through. I really enjoyed the Life Skill checklists - organized by age. She offers numerous variations of the basic plan - you customize to what will work best in your family. I loved her ideas about using the wooden clothespins with chores attached - "Kid on a mission!"
Part 3: The Actual Chore System - The nuts and bolts so to speak. Printable chore cards, and my favorite - the "How-to-do-it Cards". With these printable cards you can make sure they understand what needs to be completed in order to complete the chore. No more "misunderstandings" of their mission! The entire system is very simple and uncluttered.
All in all, I enjoyed reading this book, and I learned a few new tricks! I felt the Viki and I were sitting down together for a cup of coffee and talking about our families. It left me feeling inspired that I could tackle the task of a chore system - successfully. Take a peek at some sample pages here
See what the other members of the Molly Crew thought here.
I was sent a complimentary copy in exhchange for my honest opinion as part of the TOS Molly Review Crew.
I'm so glad you found the book encouraging. Thanks for your candid review! :)