From their website:
"This course has been created for the youngest eager writers, starting at 2nd grade. During the eight week pre-sentence course, students will be introduced to parts of speech and how to recognize and use them in a sentence. Students will understand how to recognize and form a complete sentence with a subject and predicate. Students will also learn to recognize basic capitalization rules and proofreading strategies."
Check out how Time4Writing works here.
In addition to 8-week online writing courses, Time4Writing provides free writing resources to help parents and educators teach writing more effectively.
COST - $99 for the 8 week course
True confession time....I have some children that are, let's say - "less than adequate" with their grammar skills. We've tried every workbook style approach there is, and to no avail! So, when the opportunity arose to take a peek at Time4Writing's "Grammar Rocks", I jumped at it. My tester was unsupectedly drawn into trying it out with the the lure "it's computer time!"
Guess what? She loved it! Each lesson starts with explanations of the topic. You can read it, listen to it, or watch it. Short games that practice each topic follow. Finally, she submitted an assignment and a REAL person evaluated it and sent her feedback! She loved that each section was short, it wasn't "painful" at all. Plus, once she submittted her assignment, she could not move ahead until her teacher evaulated it. I didn't have to be "bad cop" anymore!
She was able to work mostly independently, however - it was sometimes difficult for her to master the typing/word processing to submit her assignments.
Time4Writing worked well for giving us a change of pace in our grammar instruction. It was enough to get the fear of grammar out, and see that it can be a little bit fun. Her mastery really encouraged her and gave her more confidence. However, if you are on a tight budget - this may prove to be rather expensive for 8 weeks of instruction.
See what the other members of the TOS Review Crew thought here.
I was sent a complimentary subscription in exchange for my honest opinion as part of the TOS Review Crew.

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