Excited to introduce you to Science4Us.com Online Subscription by Science4Us.com!
Cost: $7.95/month per child
Science4Us.com is an online subscription based science curriculum designed for young children, grades K-2.
Science4Us.com features 4 main science displines with a total of 28 modules that your child can access. Each module follows 5 steps:
Engage - introduces the activity, your child gets to take notes, fill in graphs, and complete work in their very own online notebook while they read along - or watch a short video
Explore - the student gets to play games demonstrating the new concepts
Explain - concepts are explained, including clear explanations of new vocabulary, and they "show what they know"
Elaborate - allows them to choose from serveral activities to demonstrate what they are learninng through "Take a Note" , "Silly Bulls", and "Investigations"
Evaluate - shows what the student has learned
Offline printables & teacher's tools are included as well.
The Bentz Test Academy was very excited to try out a science program, especially designed for our younger ages. My testers - a Kindergartener and a 2nd grader (as well as several very curious siblings...) were able to very easily log on and intuitively navigate the program. Frankly, if it's not easy enough for them to pick up on right off, we may not use it. Science4Us.com passed the first test with flying colors - it's extremely USER friendly.First off, my tester was able to choose a "Book of Science" - 4 to choose from, to investigate. Within the 4 books - Physical Science, Inquire, Life Science and Earth/Space Science you will find 28 modules to complete. Modules do not have to be accessed in any special order, so they can pick whatever interests them most.
I let them pick and choose. Each activity is filled with explanations, videos, a online notebook and best of all - plenty of
My testers were hooked! This was fun and engaging, but it was also teaching some very advanced concepts. I was surprised at how well they were understanding. And not only science, many of the activities were reinforcing language arts concepts too. Bonus!
The online explorations were well done. Experiments, videos, and extra offline activities are included. (One great feature for me - no hunting for all those materials). The Online subscription also comes with plenty of valuable teacher tools in the Teacher's login. Lesson plans, access to student reports, assessments, and more. We spent most of our time in the Student log in, exploring the activities.
My testers have consistently begged to to do Science4Us daily! I'm impressed with the scope and depth of the lessons. Very well done! It's an affordable way to intoduce your younger children to a great science program.
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