From their website:
" At, we believe that each individual is responsible for their own health. It is not a doctor's responsibility to keep you in good health. Instead they are a tremendous resource, especially for those times when urgent care is required. But, they are only one of many resources. And the tools they use, while powerful, are not the only tools available. But a tool is worthless unless one knows how to use it.
We have found a lot a tools that have worked very well for our families, and made Beeyoutiful a repository for those tools, as well as the information to effectively use them. As we learn more, we share more. Our goal is to eventually carry every natural product that we use. We're not there yet. We may never be as we are constantly being exposed to new and great products. As much as is in our power, we want to aid others in obtaining and maintaining good health."
Introducing - The set of Beeyoutiful Products that I was delighted to try! I have used several of these products before, and I'm a big fan!
- Berry Well, - 8 fl. oz. -$19.75 Each ingredient in this pleasantly fruity syrup holds its own against flu, colds, and a swarm of bacterial and viral infections. This organic Elderberry Syrup contains Propolis, Raw Honey, and Echinacea.

This is a new product to my medicine cabinet. But, I can tell you - it's here to stay! I have a child affectionately nick-named "Crash". He is one of the most accident prone, bruise covered boys around - the perfect tester for this product! He reports that it really helps ease the pain, and was back on his bruise & scrape inducing ripstick in no time. Better stock up on this one if you have a kiddo like mine!
- Miracle Skin Salve - 2 oz. - $15.00 OR 4 oz.- $25.00
Miracle Skin Salve promotes deep healing and restoration using a soothing blend of organic herbs and oils. From sunburn, chapped lips, and diaper rash to painful wounds and burns, apply salve as often as needed and watch your skin smile!

- Lip BALM, Available in Orange or Pepperment - $3.00
I tested this previously as well. Once again, this is my MUST HAVE favorite lip balm of all time. My only issue is - that everyone else in my house loves it too. I want my VERY OWN, no-sharing tube! You will too!!
- Beeyoutiful Views DVD - $3.00 - Stephanie Tallent.
I'm not your typical, all-natural type. (no laughing out loud...especially if you know me!) But, this video really inspires and encourages. It's nice to get the perspective from someone who is actually using these products. When you order the MUST-HAVES, get the DVD too - you'll be glad you did.
Other members of the TOS Crew tested other Beeyoutiful products - read about what they thought here.
I was sent complimentary products in exchange for my honest opinion as part of the TOS Review Crew.

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