Family Camp - 2011
Here are my sad, sad kiddos...I call it the "Before" picture. They are waiting to be baptized in the river.
This is our "After" picture - they are New Creations!
What a wonderful time we had at family camp! Matt baptized 3 more of his children on Father's Day weekend - what a beautiful gift. (4 done, 4 to go!)
I wanted to mark this event someway...So, I got each of them a special necklace and a prayer journal. I was so excited to find 4 matching "boy" necklaces - I gave one to Sam, who was baptized in the same place last year and have one more waiting for Josh.
I gave Selah a "Crowned by the King" necklace (and have 3 in waiting). You can read about the ministry of Crowned by the King, and get your own necklace here. I am so glad I created a special tradition for us! They also each picked up a stone from the river that I will "customize" for them to be a "rock of rememberance".
Our best excitement came when we moved the stove in our cabin to retrieve a lost toy and a MOUSE came hurring out!!! Needless to say, you can fit 8 screaming people on top of a small futon. Matt was laughing so hard he couldn't move, and Essie was happily playing on the floor (next to the critter!) I guess she's so used of our erratic behavior it didn't seem odd to see all of us on the futon - screaming and yelling at Matt to "kill it" with a flyswatter....
Family Camp is always a hot, dirty, cramped, bug filled, and COMPLETELY WONDERFUL time! Take your kiddos next year....