Christian Heroes- Gladys Aylward from Christian Heroes: Then & Now by YWAM Publishing
Christian Heroes: Then & Now by
YWAM Publishing is HANDS DOWN - my ALL TIME FAVORITE homeschooling resource! Warning...do not let your children read these books if you want them to lead a "normal" life. These best-selling biographies will open up a world of excitement, challenges, and will inspire your children to lead lives filled with extraordinary adventures for God and his Glory. I am so excited to introduce you to the book that started our adventure -
Christian Heroes- Gladys Aylward and the
Study Guide you can use alongside the book.
At our first homeschool conference...way, way back, someone gave us a free copy of
Gladys Aylward: Life of Adventure. We took it home and we were hooked! The very next year, I went straight to
YWAM Publishing and purchased their entire set of both
Christian Heroes: Then & Now and
Heroes of History My dear husband is still recovering from the shock that I bought "one of everything on the table." It is the one of my best purchases!
These stories have been LIFE CHANGING. All 8 of my children have grown up reading and listening to amazing stories of how God used ordinary people to change the world! They always say, "Someday, I want a YWAM book about me!". Highest praise.
Christian Heroes- Gladys Aylward was our introduction to this amazing series. I fondly remember snuggling up with my now 20 year old, and reading about this fascinating and inspiring woman. My sweet boy insisted I keep reading, "just one more chapter". THIS book started his love for missions, and today he is about to get on a plane to Equador (home of Jim Elliot - YES, you need to read his story too!) and is pursuing a degree in International Buisness to become a missionary! That's the power of introducing your children to these Heroes...
Gladys Aylward is a story of a young woman told she was "not good enough to be a missionary". However, Gladys was not stopped by that and with determination goes on to become one of the most influential missionaries in China in the early 1900's. She boldly rescues hundreds of orphans, bravely stands up to government officials and truly changes her world. All this from an ordinary woman.
I love this quote from her, "I wasn't God's first choice for what I've done in China...I don't know who it was...it must have been a man...a well-educated man. I don't know what happened. Perhaps he died. Perhaps he wasn't willing...and God looked down...and saw Gladys Aylward...and God said, 'Well, she's willing.'
These books are story-after-story of what God can do through someone who is willing. I give each student in my Co-op Geography classes a book, and have them read and report on it. I've had numerous students come back and tell me it was their favorite part of the class.
Study Guide is a downloadable 74 page PDF that complements the book. The Study Guide offers a wide variety of activities you can use to create a full unit study with each book. It incorporates - History • Geography • Essay writing • Creative writing • Reading comprehension • Public speaking • Drama • Art Here's a quick peek...

Included are country fact sheets and printable outline maps. The Study Guide is very well put together and offers a wide variety of themes you can use with the book.
I HIGHLY recommend both of these series! True Heroes will inspire your family to greatness. You can read our review of
Heroes of History- Louis Zamperini here, this series is a great addition to your American History studies!
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