Here's a brief Introduction from their website -

Subscriptions are $26 for 4 full-color, 40 page issues per year.
Click here to subscribe.
Aletheia, pronounced Ah-LAY-thei-uh, (Greek for Truth) Writing Magazine is a quarterly publication focusing on the literary and artistic works of Christian teens, ages 13 to 19.
We are excited to offer Christian teens a healthy platform in which to express themselves, especially in a culture that so definitively shapes and saturates their worldview with unhealthy imagery and values.
In addition to the literary and artistic expressions of Christian teens, each issue offers a variety of unique features: a Writer's Challenge, the Featured Contributor, a book review, Glory to God for the Beauty of Nature, Ancient Ink, and an interview or other feature for edification and enjoyment.

Subscriptions are $26 for 4 full-color, 40 page issues per year.
Click here to subscribe.
The Bentz Testing laboratory was very pleased with this magazine. It has a very professionally done layout, and is not overpowered with advertising. In fact, several of the students are hoping to submit articles and be published! What a motivator!!
Their website has a great writing tips section (even I could get something out of this!). The Writer's Challenge will give your students a starting place, with a prompt and a deadline.
I appreciated the focus on excellence and a Christian worldview. I would caution you to preview it first, since some submissions may not agree with your own personal convictions, or may be slightly disturbing to some yournger children (remember it it geared for teens!).
You can read the Spring 2011 issue online for free here. We're excited about the Upcoming Feature in the Winter issue - one of our favorite authors... Check it out!
Read what the other members of the TOS Review Crew thought about it here.
I was sent a complimentary issue in exchange for my honest opinion as part of the TOS Review Crew.