Here is "Reluctant Reader Solution" by Kid Scoop.
Available online Here
The Reluctant Reader Solution is the brain-child of Kid Scoop (no pun intended - get it - "brain" child!). It was developed to make daily reading practice easy. And they've gotten pretty good at it, after 20 years of publishing Kid Scoop newspaper with a circulation of over 7 million copies each month in papers around the world.
What is it? Here's what we got:
12 full-color issues of Kid Scoop News OnlineEach issue of Kid Scoop News Online is chock full of games, puzzles, experiments, pictures, profiles of kids in the news, and more. Each issue includes content inspired by the time of year that the issue is released, so you can have conversations with your child about topics of the day — including current events, the natural world, and special holidays.

"One reason the worksheets are so critical to your child's development has to do with what happens when the learning environment shifts from the computer to the physical world. The first thing to improve in your child are fine motor skills, as he or she is using a pencil to draw, trace, write, and even just doodle.
Different areas of the brain are activated in writing with the hand versus pointing and clicking. It's a different way to process information, and it's just as important as the screen, if not more so, for the development of your child."
With the Reluctant Reader Solution, you'll receive a full year's supply of worksheets so you'll never run out of fun ways for your child or student to be reading. Delivered instantly in PDF format, you can print them out a week at a time so you always have a fresh worksheet on hand!

I must say, I was quite impressed by the VOLUME of topics to pick from, it was very easy to pick one custom tailored for each of my testers.
Each printable (use over and over without needing to re-purchase!) was designed around an interesting topic...i.e. animals, holidays, science, etc. The focus was on "Ask, Do, Review". Ask several questions to generate the interest, Do the page (and puzzles), and Review what was learned.
I have a couple of kiddos who don't enjoy reading (gasping in horror!) as much as others. This is a resource for you to have available for "those types". With interesting topics, and short, easy-to-complete activities - you won't have to fight the reading wars.
The online magazine was also a big hit - colorful graphics, interesting topics, and computer time (okayed by Mom... a big reward for reading!) Their website had a really great kids area with games, recipes, books and more! All my kids were excited to explore this, and wanted it bookmarked to visit later.
Be sure to check out their website and sign up for their newsletter and get 30 Days of awesome activities!
Kid Scoop is so sure that you'll love their program that they will give you a 365 day money-back guarantee. That means you truly have nothing to risk when you purchase the Reluctant Reader Solution today.
You get 365 days of exciting activity sheets plus 12 months of Kid Scoop online, all for the risk-free investment of only $97.
I was given a copy in exchange for my honest opinion and nothing else.
See what my other review team members thought here
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