Download N Go - George Washington
I couldn't wait to dig into this unit and was not disappointed!
First, let me describe Download N Go - they are 1 week/5 day long unit studies created by Amanda Bennett. Each study (and there are many to choose from!) has everything you need to dive into the topic - in depth. But, the best thing is - you can just "download n go" - it's all been done for you. Great book suggestions, family fun ideas, notebooking pages, VIDEOS, and (best of all) the components you need to create a finished lapbook! (this will impress the other moms, that are still searching through the library catalog, just to find the right books!) And, all this is only $7.95 per unit.
So, we dove right in learning about our Nation's first President - George Washington.
We explored his childhood, and learned the legend of the cherry tree (along with nifty reciepes for cherry pie). As well as, his education and early experiences. Not to mention, we copied some of his "Rules for Civility..." One of our new favorites "In the Presence of Others Sing not to yourself with a humming Noise, nor Drum with your Fingers or Feet." (we added - "especially at the dinner table" as our own special touch) Even after all of this, we were only on Day 1 - these units are just packed with information!
Day 2, we visted Mount Vernon - complete with a tour.
Day 3 allowed us to focus in on his accomplishments, and do some art appreciation along the way. Afterwards, we enjoyed his favorite food (do you know what it is... don't want to give it away - but, I'll say he was a man after my own heart!)
Day 4 focused on the Lessons we can learn from this great man. The character, courage and faith of our founding fathers are such an inspiration to us all. Let me share this quote “Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the rest is in the hands of God.” George Washington. Sounds like our "mission statement" for homeschooling, don't you agree?
Day 5 wrapped up with a look at our Remembrances of George Washington. We took mini trips to see the Washington Monument and Mount Rushmore.
What a eye-opening learning adventure into the life of a great man!
One more thing to mention, Download N Go has several great specials right now - you won't want to miss out -
You can get the Mom's Fun Pack or the Season's Fun Pack (4 units each) for only $14.00 thru 2/14/11 (and if you click on my button for Unit Study website - you can go straight there to buy them!)
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We'll be doing this one soon just for fun. Gotta love the DNG's!
ReplyDeleteWe were going to start this one next! There's a George Washington exhibit coming to the history center this month. We did chocolate last time to coordinate with the chocolate exhibit they had!