I can hardly wait to tell you about this product! We love Math Rider
We were sent a complimentary copy in exchange for our honest opinion as part of the TOS Review Crew - we were not compensated except in FUN!
Math Rider is a Intelligent, Computer software program to help your child master the ever important, math facts. No more boring flashcard drills around here!
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division are all presented in parent-customized "Quests" for your child to complete. Each journey begins with the telling of the "Quest Story". Your "rider" will advance through their quest to mastery (saving the Princess). Along the way, you will see a map to show your progress. The really neat feature - the facts will slow or speed as your rider approaches them - depending upon your child's ability! The only thing your child needs to do is type in the answer, no complicated keystrokes or mouse manuevering.

My tester for this product at the Bentz Laboratory - my least joyful math student... But, she LOVES horses, so I saw a shameless way to lay some math facts on the poor girl. Well, she LOVED Math Rider as well! In fact, she was motivated to complete her "quest" and wouldn't give up until she had. (that's a first, usually a little math can send her to fetal position quicker than you can say 2 x 2!)
I loved how the program showed me what she knew, and what she didn't! A neat graph even layed it out for me:

You can have multiple "riders", a bonus for families. It was a good thing, because her brothers were begging for their turn to test it!
Here's a little video for you:
This program was a huge hit! I even recommended it to a couple of friends looking for a new way to practice their math facts, and this is what they had to say "You were totally right- Math Rider is the bomb!! My little Alex loves it even more than Grace. Brilliant, Renita! Best math drill "game" I've ever seen. "- Angela in MN
It can be purchased online for just $37 - normally $49.95, I promise you won't be sorry if you add this program to your child's math review.
See what the other reviewers thought here.