Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way

Economics Online Course Bundle from Boundary Stone
We have discovered a great course for your high schoolers (and you!) It's Economics Online Course Bundle from Boundary Stone.- A physical textbook - Basic Economics, A Natural Law Approach to Economics, fourth edition
- 12 months online access to the course
- A 128-page downloadable PDF Teacher’s Guide
- And a Budget Mini Course
- Videos
- Printable study guides & textbook reading assignments
- Interactive, online review exercises
- Online chapter quizzes and tests
- Additional texts of The Law by Frederic Bastiat (available in print (for a fee) or free in PDF format from fee.org, and Whatever Happened to Penny Candy, by Richard Maybury available from bluestockingpress.com are recommended.
This is a well-planned course for your high school students. It is taught from a Christian worldview, and incorporates scriptural principles throughout. It's easy to use and simple to get started, just set-up and login. Everything your student needs is found on the Dashboard.
Let me show you how we used it...
This course is broken down into 4 Units with each unit having multiple lesson with short, online quizzes. The units cover everything from the history of economics and basic principles to different economic systems around the world.
Each lesson clearly outlines the assignments the students are to complete. They are a variety of reading, textbook, exercises and quizzes to really help students master this topic.
A key component that makes this course so different, is their use of videos. The online videos are very engaging! My tester really enjoyed the variety and their use of popular movies/culture to convey the economic principles being studied. The program requires students to view the entire video before being able to mark the lesson complete (something I liked!)
After reading the textbook and watching the video, students have the opportunity to complete online review exercises to prepare them for the quiz. This program has done a WONDERFUL job creating these! They vary in fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, true/false styles, vocabulary cards - all of which, are highly engaging, and much better than just a textbook.
Feedback and answers are given automatically, and students can retry until they master the information. This is a great way to get them actively studying the material.
PDF of the textbook and printed study guides are accessible to the student in each lesson.
The quizzes are usually 5-10 questions and timed. The results automatically graded, and students can retake the quiz as many times as they need to in order to get the 70% mastery needed to move to the next lessons.
At the end of each module is a Comprehensive Quiz (students can only take this once) and 4 Unit Tests are included as well.
A full 128 page Teacher Guide is included. This contains lesson plans and schedules, answers to the study guides, and full answer keys for all the tests. You also get access to a handy, downloadable excel grading worksheet you can use to track your student's grade.
A Budget Project Mini Course is included. It's a wonderful way to introduce your students to the practical implications of economics. They use the tools and resources provided to create working budgets - one on minimum wage, and another on the salary of a career they are interested in.
This was completely fascinating to us! The section on college loans and budgeting was something I think every college bound high school student should watch.
I think this is the most engaging and well-done economics course I have ever seen! It's a fresh approach that brings economics to life and makes it relevant for today's students.
Don't miss this one!
Find Boundary Stone on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrPaulCleveland
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf4qWz28QJO80oB-aanH9Sw
Hashtags: #hsreviews #boundarystone #basiceconomics
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