Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way
Math Shed & Spelling Shed from Ed Shed
Summer break is a great time to sharpen some basic math and spelling skills with Math Shed & Spelling Shed from Ed Shed.
Math Shed and Spelling Shed are an online subscription from Ed Shed designed for your 1st-5th graders to help practice math and spelling skills in a fun game. The subscription gives one year access to the Teacher Hub and Web Game for up to 5 students. Each user creates their own individual login.
The Teacher Hub allows parents to set up students and groups of students called leagues, create assignments with spelling lists or custom spelling lists and to monitor student's progress.

This is one of my tester's favorite parts - she loves to accessorize her avatar!
Web Game portion of the program is where all the fun is at. Students get to practice math or spelling skills with a variety of options.
There are several options for play in Spelling Shed:
- Play - is where they practice spelling a list of 10 words in a timed format
- Beekeeper - allows them to guess the words by choosing letters
- Buzz Words - they create words with random letter tiles
- Hive games - where students can play with others inside the program
In addition, the web games have options they can choose from to adjust the level of difficulty:
- Easy–The word is shown, an audio clip is played and only the included letters are shown.
- Medium–An audio clip is played and only the included letters are shown.
- Hard–an audio clip is played and the included letters plus some random letters are shown.
- Extreme–An audio clip is played and a full qwerty keyboard is shown. Letters must be correctly accented and capitalized.

My testers are in 5th and 6th grade. They loved getting to pick the level they wanted. The "hard" words were a challenge for them.
Each game includes 10 words to practice spelling. Immediate feedback is given, and the word's part of speech and definition is displayed.
They especially liked playing "Bee Keeper" where they guess a word after choosing letter tiles, kinda like an online hangman game - but, be careful not to lose your bees for a wrong pick.
Math Shed allows students to practice math facts and functions in several categories with the choice of Easy - Medium - Hard.
I really like how customizable this program is! The student can pinpoint exactly what type of problems they want to work on. It's a great way to zero in on skills that need a bit more practice and to keep them from getting bored.
In each game, students type their answer on the calculator, or choose the correct from multiple choices. Each game is short and has a timed response to see how many questions they can answer.
Immediate feedback is given and a summary of questions and answers is displayed at the end of each game.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EdShed-US-113476190342149/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EdShedUS
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spellingshed/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJKXC4Rd29eQQWPbSdITLhw
#hsreviews #Spelling, #Phonics, #Math, #Math Facts, #Homeschooling, #iPad games, #literacy, #homeschool
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