Reading Intervention Programs from MaxScholar
Summer is the perfect time to work on our reading skills. We have been exploring Reading Intervention Programs from MaxScholar.
The Reading Intervention Program is an online subscription that features 3 distinct programs your student can work with to improve their reading skills. It uses an Orton-Gillingham approach that helps improve reading and writing skills. Each individual program begins with a placement test so that your student is at the precise level for them. My testers are in 3rd and 4th grade, so being able to customize to their appropriate level was a great feature. My 4th grade student struggles with reading, MaxScholar is great for dyslexic students!
Check out this quick intro video to understand their approach:
The program is easy-to-use, and allows your student to choose where to focus when they log in.
Let me show you how it works.
- MAXPHONICS - My younger tester spent more time in this program. It works on mastering phonemes and letter sounds by using a variety of multi-sensory, online lessons that include videos, practice drills, and games. In the auditory mode, students can hear the sound and select pictures with the proper sound. The tactile mode shows the letter being drawn, and your student can draw it on the screen. The visual mode allows them to see a speaker say the sound, and uses an image to reinforce the sound.
- MAXREADING - My older, struggling read spent most of her time using this program. It uses highlighting, outlining, and summarizing strategies that help increase reading comprehension skills.
They start by reading a passage, and using a colored highlighter to mark Topic, supporting details, and main idea in different colors. Then, they can compare what they highlighted to the correct answers and get immediate feedback. This is great for my tester, she needs to see the corrections right away.
After highlighting, they get to practice outlining skills. Once again, they get immediate feedback.
Writing skills are also practiced with questions. You can choose the type - Summary, Open-ended or general questions.
They can see a score for the exercise at the end, along with the correct answers and a chance to redo the chapter.
- MAXWORDS builds vocabulary skills by focusing on prefixes, suffixes, Greek and Latin roots syllabication and spelling rules to improve reading comprehension and fluency.
Additional sub-programs that work on developing reading skills with extra practice are included in this program as well.
- MAXMUSIC allows your child to read lyrics, play piano games and focus on reading and auditory skills. My testers LOVED this section! They could practice reading with song lyrics, highlight different parts of speech, fill in missing words and even play notes on the piano keyboard. What a fun way to practice reading...
- MAXVOCAB is the MaxScholar dictionary and offers definition and vocabulary games that are fun for both students and adults, trust me - the Hangman is addictive!
- MAXPLACES takes your student around the world to explore 51 different locations as they read selections and answer comprehension questions with the same format at the MaxReading settings. Bonus, you sneak some geography in too!
- MAXBIOS introduces famous personalities via biographies on a timeline. This is great for ordering skills too.
Parents have access to a wide variety of additional downloadable resources including lesson guides, readers, sight words, drills and even workbooks. A parent dashboard allows you to see your student's progress and generate reports.
This comprehensive program is not just for your student! They offer a full section of Professional Development including teaching manuals, videos and step-by-step instructions to complete your own Orton-Gillingham teaching certification.
This comprehensive program is a great way to keep reading skill improving during the summer break!
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This comprehensive program is a great way to keep reading skill improving during the summer break!
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Hastags: #hsreviews #reading #intervention #ortongillingham #dyslexia
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