We love getting lost in a good unit study, and these allowed us to experience God's Creation as well! We recently explored two unit studies from Creation Illustrated - the Snow Unit Study and another on Pine Trees.
Creation Illustrated has been published for the past 25 years. It is a beautiful, full color magazine available in print and digital editions. Its focus is "…share the wonders of God’s creation. By revealing fresh insights of His infinite wisdom, gentle touch, undeniable justice, redeeming love, and flawless design, pure truth shall bring renewed peace…" The magazines are filled with articles, character lessons, gorgeous pictures, family activities, coloring contests and even recipes. The unit studies include links to download your own copy of the magazine.
The Snow Unit Study is found in the Winter '18 Digital Edition. I know it's hard to believe...after living most of my life in MN, that I would have to actually teach my children about the wonders of snow! (South TX... snow is a rare event!)
This study is designed for your 5th-8th graders, but works for all ages. It contains 17 pages of activities, all with a focus on the Intricacies of Snow.
The study explores snow in a full cross-curricular style - penmanship, vocabulary, spelling, science, math, geography, art, fun puzzles, and even Bible Study.
I really loved the Bible study! Did you know the Bible mentions snow 24 times? The study let's you explore the passages and includes a word study as well.
The study incorporates an issue of Creation Illustrated as well. By using the articles, you can read and answer more in-depth comprehension style questions. The Magazine is beautiful - it's referred to as the "Christian answer to National Geographic!"
In addition, we had the chance to preview the unit study on Pine Trees from the Fall '17 Digital Edition. It was just as beautiful!
The studies followed a similar design - covering multiple subjects -penmanship, vocabulary, science, math, geography, art, fun puzzles, and even Bible Study.
We can't wait to explore Pine trees together, my testers are already collecting pine cones every chance the get. This is the beauty of unity study - it makes the topic really come alive, and connected. Truly, the best way to learn!
These studies and magazines are the perfect way to focus your eyes on our amazing Creator. I would highly recommend them!
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