It's hard to find supplemental programs for high school math, but they are all included in CTCMath's subscription.
My testers have worked in most of the levels.
Each lessons offer short video explanations/demonstrations of the skill being taught. Most of these are under 10 minutes and can be paused, and replayed.
After watching the video, the student answers questions to determine mastery. I have set 80% as our passing grade. If they need to repeat a lesson, they can. This is a great way to help them target and master skills without just moving on.
Many lessons offer printable worksheets, but my testers always prefer the computer time to another worksheet. For grades K-8, CTCMath can be used as core curriculum, they do recommend it as a supplement in the more advanced grades.
Another great feature is that we can move around from grade to grade, or topic to topic. My testers mainly use this to keep reviewing skills they have learned. It's also been helpful for them to see slightly different presentations of problems, something that they can't get in a regular program.
CTCMath offers a variety of subscription programs - individual, family, monthly or yearly. I highly recommend it as a great value for a big family like mine!
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