A playlist to listen to online, or download
A full Ebook (perfect for a Kindle!) and the Official Soundtrack
A Cast poster and full Study Guide
Even a inspirational Poster and wallpaper for your screen!

Our favorite is the Study Guide. This 38 page, downloadable PDF is filled with extra learning adventures you can incorporate into your listening. Sections correspond to each listening track and include activities like:
- "Defining Words" - vocabulary to know
- "Listening Well" - questions to use to help them remember what they heard
- "Thinking Further" - questions to challenge them to think on what they listened to, and even to dig a little deeper and research more
In addition, throughout the Study Guide are sidebars filled with interesting historical facts like a "who's who" of the Gold Rush, what is Manifest Destiny, and a peek into a mining camp.
There are also three topical Bible studies included:
- God’s Grace
- Becoming a Christian
- Honor Your Parents
Finally, additional resources are recommended to learn more. You can use this Study Guide to build an entire unit study around their listening!
But that's not all - online content is available as well. Be sure to check out the Live The Adventure Club at livetheadventureclub.com. It's filled with resources to help you make history come alive!
Links to many useful articles, projects, recipes, and more are in the Parent Resource section.
Study Guides for all the Adventures and lots of fun activities to explore!
My testers loved the section with a Read Along Script (I liked the Chapter Quizzes more than they did - they are an awesome tool!)
We give these productions our HIGHEST recommendations! In fact, we are keeping our fingers crossed that the "hint" we heard about the Battle of Hastings at the end our our audio comes true...
Other Heirloom Audios include:
- Under Drake’s Flag - the story of Sir Francis Drake
- In Freedom’s Cause - William Wallace and Robert the Bruce in their fight for Scottish independence
- With Lee in Virginia - the American Civil War
- The Dragon and the Raven - the Viking invasions of England
- Beric the Briton - the Roman invasion of Britannica
- The Cat of Bubastes - Ancient Egypt
- In the Reign of Terror - the French Revolution
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeirloomAudio Tag: @HeirloomAudio
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeirloomStories Tag: @HeirloomStories
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/HeirloomAudioOfficial Tag: @HeirloomAudioOfficial
- Google+: https://plus.google.com/b/114534826166314080647/114534826166314080647

Hashtags: #hsreviews, #HeirloomAudio, #CaptainBayleysHeir, #LiveTheAdventure,
#BringingHentyBack, #AudioAdventures, #AudioDrama

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