Need something entertaining for that summer roadtrip? We have loved In the Reign of Terror from Heirloom Audio Productions! This 2 disc audio is over 2 hours of non-stop excitement and edge-of-your seat adventure. The story brings GA Henty's novel to life with a fully dramatized story and star-studded cast, including Brian Blessed (Star Wars) and John Rhys-Davis (Lord of the Rings).
This story is set in the times of the French Revolution. The story begins however, in Arlington Cemetery with Mr. George explaining the difference between the American Revolution and the French Revolution.
Our story follows the heart-gripping, and often tragic adventures of young Harry, an englishman, who finds himself in the middle of the French Revolution. These audios are extremely well done - they transport you into the story. My testers even passed up potty stops to keep listening!
This story is much more tragic than some others we have listened to. But, it's precisely the point of the French Revolution isn't it - a tragic series of events that led to betrayal and murder of entire families.
In addition - we received some great bonuses to enjoy along with the story - Check out the NEW Live the Adventure! Club for more information -
- Stream In the Reign of Terror
- In The Reign Of Terror Original E-Book
- Official Soundtrack
- Printable Cast Poster
- Study Guide & Discussion Starter
- Inspirational Verse Poster
- Desktop Wallpaper Download
- Official Script Download

- Listening Well - comprehension questions
- Thinking Further - questions to get them thinking further, doing some additional research and make connections
- Defining Words - vocabulary
Throughout the study, sidebars for "Expanding Your Learning" are filled with interesting facts and historical information - from French Architecture and Fashion to The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, the guide gives you plenty to explore the world and times of the French Revolution or even create your own unit study built around the story.
Three mini Bible Studies are included in the guide:
- When God Means Evil for Good
- Resistance to Tyranny
- True Manliness
Additional reading is recommended and the guide has a very useful chart showing the differences between the American and French Revolutions.
We love how GA Henty not only spins an amazing tale, but - all his stories teach Christian values and worldview. He gives us heroes for us to look up to, and values for us to live by. This is not just another entertaining story - this is a life lesson for your entire family. A family favorite!
Other Heirloom Audios include:
Find Heirloom Audio Productions on Social Media:
- Under Drake’s Flag - the story of Sir Francis Drake
- In Freedom’s Cause - William Wallace and Robert the Bruce in their fight for Scottish independence
- With Lee in Virginia - the American Civil War
- The Dragon and the Raven - the Viking invasions of England
- Beric the Briton - the Roman invasion of Britannica
- The Cat of Bubastes - Ancient Egypt
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeirloomStories
Instagram: @HeirloomAudioOfficial
Hashtags: #hsreviews #HeirloomAudio #InTheReignOfTerror #LiveTheAdventure #BringingHentyBack #AudioAdventures

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