Motivate Your Child Action Plan by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller
Many times I read a great parenting resource, feel encouraged - maybe even convicted to make changes, but... I stall out at this point. I bet some of you can relate? All that theory seems to get left on the shelf because I'm not quite sure where to get started with my unique children. This book takes the principles of Motivate Your Child (read my review here) and turns them into a step by step process to help you reach the heart of your child.
By using an "outline of firmness, visioning, teaching, prayer, and coaching to flesh out a strategy to move your child from where he is today, to where he needs to go."
This is exactly what I need! Someone who can take the concepts I need and walk me step-by-step through the implementation of the principles in my very own situation! Motivate Your Child Action Plan is just that. It's a 165 page, interactive plan that includes checklists and spaces to write out ideas, insights, and results. In addition, the book includes access to 12 audio sessions—one per chapter that will help you create a customized approach for your family.
You can use this resource alone, or suggestions to correlating Motivate Your Child chapters to read for additional support and information are included. I recommend getting both books right away!
Tip: The book is on sale right now ($29.95 or $36.99 for the original Motivate Your Child plus the Action Plan.) Use the coupon code, AP5BGT for an additional $5 off
Chapters Cover:
- Change in Forty Days
- Where Do You Want to Go?
- The Map to Get There
- Working Together
- A Place for Firmness
- Visioning Moves You Forward
- Teaching Shows the Way
- Spiritual Energy Provides Strength
- Coaching Sets the Attitude
- Building Motivation from Within
- Growing Together
- Good Theology Makes it Work

The Motivate Your Child ACTION PLAN will give you the tools to address sibling conflict, poor school performance, disrespect, laziness, procrastination, sloppy work, emotional outbursts, self-centeredness, and so much more.
I really appreciate the author's approach. I feel like they are mentors who want to help, not experts that make me feel like a failure. This book gently guides you through identifying the problems, making a strategic plan and making sure you make the changes you need to make (in yourself and your child!)
This quote stopped me in my tracks... I'm guilty of this at times- adding harshness to show I mean business. And we think parenting issues are all about "them" :-) This book offers Biblical help for the entire family.
I appreciate that the focus is on the heart of the issues, and not just changing the outward behaviors. I want to help transform the hearts of my children. Weekly meetings, prayer, and scripture are all power tools that the authors teach you how to use effectively to make lasting changes. This is a book that has already been used over and over.
If you're ready to tackle some of your parenting challenges but, want some guidance, this may be just what you are looking for.
Learn about Scott Turansky here:
Learn about Joanne Miller here:
Info about NCBP can be found here:
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