Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Release Date: January 27, 2015
Learn What Internal Motivation is and How to Develop it in Your Child -You will learn:
- How to build a strongconscience to strengthen internal motivation
- How faith changes kids inpractical, down-to-earth ways
- Ways to help self-focused kids think ofothers
- A strategy to help kids who tend to blame, rationalize, or defend
- Ways to use consequences for heart change
- Specific heart-based strategies todevelop responsibility and initiative

I'm excited to introduce you to my new FAVORITE parenting book - Motivate Your Child: A Christian Parent's Guide to Raising Kids Who Do What They Need to Do Without Being Told. by Dr. Scott Turansky & Joanne Miller, RN, BSN
Let me introduce myself: I'm a mom to 8 amazing kiddos (ages 5-17) + one "adopted" college-age kiddo. Needless to say, I've been doing this parenthood gig for awhile now... You could say, I've got my hands full!
Now that you know a little more about me, you should see the number of parenting help books on my bookshelf! I was excited to see this book coming, and eagerly signed up for the launch team. However, I wasn't completely sure I'd learn anything new...
I WAS COMPLETELY SURPRISED! This book was full of brand-new approaches and tools for me. This particular quote really convicted me - I really needed to read this book. Maybe this parenting gig could use a breath of fresh air...
The book is divided into 2 parts. Part 1 covers the moral development in children, Part 2 focuses on the spiritual development. Children are developing in both of these areas of thinking at the same time. This is where our parenting focus MUST center if we want to have internally motivated children.
It's much more than just some more "parenting theory" that leaves you feeling hopeless. This book offers HOPE. It offers PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS that "real" moms can implement. It was just the booster shot I needed to get back in the ring of parenting and take another swing at some long-term issues.
Conscience development, integrity, compassion, initiative & honor - just several of the key points that the authors discuss. But, they take it a step further - and offer practical solutions you can start RIGHT AWAY to help move these character traits into reality in you home. You don't need a degree, or any special equipment - no charts to maintain, or complex systems. This book is Biblical based wisdom with the encouragement you need to be the parent that God is calling you to be.
A particular area we have been struggling with around here is initiative. I absolutely loved what the author's said about introducing your children to heroes. They say, "Heroes do what's right, deal with wrongs, are honest and care about others". By letting your child "be a hero in small things" and then encouraging them to take an extra step we are encouraging them to form internally motivated - initiative.
Honor was another area that we benefited from this book. For instance, requiring my children to set the table is "obedience" - but, including the direction to "add something to the the table to show honor to your family" (but, not giving a specific command of what that may be) is teaching my children to honor each other. My sweet daughters made a beautiful centerpiece!
This book helped encourage me to take a good look at my parenting. It's easy to get in a rut after awhile (or 8 kiddos...) and not really be intentional. I felt it gave me a new lens to look through. Leaving discipline sessions on a positive note, a tip from the book, has helped keep my children's hearts and mine tuned together. And, I'm starting to see changes already!
This is real parenting at it's best. I want more that just an outward obedience to rules - I really want their HEARTS. If you are looking for more than just another behavior modification book - and you want to really make lasting heart changes - this is the book you're looking for!
“We need more books like Scott and Joanne’s—booksthat coach parents to develop strong character in their children that will lastthe rest of their lives.” —Alec Hill, President of InterVarsityChristian Fellowship/USA

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