Going to College and Paying for it Online Video and Workbook by College Common Sense
From their website:
From their website:
"Are you trying to help your child through the process of Going to College and Paying for it and feel lost in the maze of options? Are you worried that you will leave "money on the table" and cause your child (or you) to pay more for college than necessary? Are you stressed because you're not sure what you are supposed to be doing?"
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, Going to College and Paying for it by College Common Sense can help you de-mystify this process.
Watch Denise's video - A Word to Parents (about 3 min)
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, Going to College and Paying for it by College Common Sense can help you de-mystify this process.
Watch Denise's video - A Word to Parents (about 3 min)
The DVD is the heart of this program. It explains what you need to know in an easy-to-understand format to earn the most free money you can. The Workbook outlines exercises so you can see how it affects you specifically and helps you develop a plan of action that will benefit you the most.
Do you have children? Are you hoping they will go to college? Are you scared out of your mind at the prospect? If you are like me, it's coming faster than I could have ever believed!
First Day of School...... High School (seems like a blink, really!)
We have entered another new era at Bentz Test Laboratory - preparing for college, and figuring out how to pay for it!
Going to College and Paying For It- is just what we needed! This program is a common sense approach to college. Denise Ames, the author, is someone who knows what she's talking about - having years of experience in college finincial aid offices.
The program contains 6 videos and PDF workbooks to accompany. Topics covered:
- The Big Picture
- How Financial Aid Works
- All About the Free Money
- The System that Works
- You in the Process, and
- Put it all Together
"Wait!", you say! "This is great - but, my children aren't even close to college age yet!" Did you know, you can start early in this process (and you better - because there is a lot to know) The author reports even children as young as 6 years old can begin to earn scholarship money toward college!! The FREE weekly Lesson Plans will give you helpful information to begin working on - no matter what age your children are.
My Bentz Tester enjoyed the videos. They are simple, and straightforward - like having a talk with your own personal financial aid counselor. He is very motivated to go to college - debt free. Since we have a houseful... it's going to be his responsibility to accomplish this. (It's okay - I managed to do it all by myself too, where there's a will - God will help you find the way!)
He watched the videos, took notes, and is beginning to get informed. Starting an "All About You" notebook is a great suggestion that all my testers have begun. A "Scholarship Binder" is also being created. These are they type of practical, doable suggestions that this program is filled with. The extra videos included in the Free lesson plans are a valuable part of this program - don't miss out on them.
I appreciate the author's approach - she puts the responsibility onto the student's shoulders! She offers tried and true tips and advice, educates them about the financial aid system, and encourages them to get started and never give up. All the messages we've been telling him for years...
I'm glad to have found this resource early on, and you will be too!