Teaching math was not in my homeschooling fantasy...you know - the one where "all-my-children-are-gathered-around-eagerly-awaiting-the-precious-drops-of-wisdom-and-instruction-dripping-from-my lips"... The reality is more like this - "That's not helping me mom!".
If you can relate, Professor B may be just what you're looking for! Here's help with actual Math Instruction, not just the drill and practice parts!
Here's a description from the website:
"Our program, "Mathematics Power Learning,", have thoroughly structured the content of arithmetic as a developmental, contextual flow (like a story). This allows children's minds to assimilate its content more quickly (in the same natural way they assimilate stories rapidly) without any gaps in their knowledge.
Kindergarten and first graders mastering the lower/higher addition/subtraction facts and reading numbers in the hundreds of trillions (fifteen-digit numbers). Second graders mastering all multiplication facts and long division. Fifth graders mastering “seventh grade math. Master 3 years of instruction in 1 year!”
There are 3 levels - find your proper starting point with a FREE Placement Test

Pre-k though 2nd graders and remediation of older learners. Introduction to Addition/Subtraction Facts – Counting to One Hundred – Lower Addition and Subtraction – Higher Addition and Subtraction – Place Value Fractional Parts & Order – Time – Money
3rd grade through 5th grade and remediation of older learners.Multiplication/Division Facts and Problem Solving – Introduction to Fractions – Fractional Equivalence – Addition and Subtraction Fractions
6th through 8th grades and remediation of older learners.Multiplication/Division of Fractions – Decimals – Percents
One Level - $20 per month
Two Levels (at the same time) - 2nd level is $15 per month
Three Levels (at the same time) - 3rd level is $10 per month
Or - NEW PRICE - Pay in advance: $100 for 3 years access to each level. Call 678-765-6655 while website is being updated!
The Bentz Test Laboratory has several "math brained" testers and several who are more like me..."not so math brained" testers.
My first tester has struggled with math concepts consistently since the very beginning. After pinpointing a weak spot - telling time, we sat down to work through Professor B together. This is not a program to let your child work independently on, you need to be there with them for it to be effective. It also has no sound, you read the screen and listen to their responses (designed this way on purpose - you can read their philosophy here). At first, my tester did not like how slow or repetitive the program was... but, I have to tell you - she can tell time now!! Believe me, we have been working on this skill for what seems like a long TIME, and just a few minutes with Professor B has gotten her able to completely tell time - hours/minutes, everything!
My older testers are more "math brained" and really thought the Professor B was a little too childish for them, plus - since they have math brains - the repetitive instruction was too slow for them.
I like this program. It focuses on the math instruction, the part I need the most help with. I like that you have to work together with your child - one of the biggest benefits (maybe I'll actually master those concepts after all these years...). It's a very simple presentation - no distractions, rewards or games.
I'm not sure it's a good fit for a large family though. The cost is rather high, and the time committment (while I like that part) would get substantial with multiple children using it.
But, if you have hit a wall in teaching a math concept - I strongly encourage you to give Professor B a try - they offer a free trial lesson.
See what the other members of the TOS Review Crew thought Here
I was sent a free subscription in exchange for my honest opinion as part of the TOS Review Crew.
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