Considering God's Creation by Eagles Wings
(I was sent a complimentary copy in exchange for my honest opinion as part of the TOS Review Crew).
First, I have to say - I LOVE this company's products! I have almost everything they have ever published on my shelves... So, reviewing this was a treat!
Considering God’s Creation is available for $29.95 on the Eagle’s Wings website, and includes the Teacher’s Manual, Student Workbook, and audio CD. An additional workbook can be purchased separately if you have more than one student using this program for $13.95, and a replacement CD is also available for $3.00.
You can cover all areas of Science study, with multiple ages, all with this one book! It has a distinctly Christian worldview, and just plain good science as well. If you like the notebooking style of study (which we do) you will love this product!
One of the things I appreciate most about this curriculum, is the low amount of teacher prep time needed. You can just open it and dive right in. You can also use it to supplement other science programs you may be using because it is so easy to implement.
We used the Skeleton cut-outs with our Co-op during our Anatomy and Physiology class (which was using Apologia). So, it's more than just a stand alone course - it's a must have resource!
You will want to check out their other products as well. Eagle’s Wings carries Christian educational products for other subject areas too. Be sure to check out their products page HERE
See what the other members of the Review crew thought here
I have this if anyone wants to buy it. It is in good condition. Just send me an email. :-)