Sunny Seashells Download N Go
I love the smell and sound of the ocean, in fact I was just lamenting how much I miss it and need a vacation...anyone with me? But, here in Central AR - the ocean is pretty far away (closer than I was in MN, but still too far away...).
So, I opted for the next best thing... a learning adventure to the ocean with the Download N Go - Sunny Seashells and my 8 kiddos!
What is a Download N Go? It's a 5 day Unit study that will take you on an adventure of learning. It is filled with clickable, embedded links (no ADS!) that will have you and your children on a beach in no time! Additionally, you will have great book suggestions, hands-on activities, and Family fun ideas. You even get all the components for a lapbook included. Best of all, all this prep work is done for you and you can just Download N Go. Created with the K-4 crowd in mind, I can't keep my entire crowd from crowding around the computer!!
At only $7.95 - you can afford to take everyone on a learning vacation, anytime you want... They have over 40 titles to choose from, so you'll find a destination for everyone too!
So, what did we learn in Sunny Seashells? Here's a brief outline:
Day 1: Seashells--What Are They?
Day 2: Seashells and History
Day 3: Types of Seashells
Day 4: The Science of Seashells
Day 5: Seashell Party!
What we really learned was history, science, geography, Scripture, math and more - but, shhh....don't tell my kiddos. They just thought we were visiting the ocean, so that mom could have her "vacation"!
By the way, if you haven't downloaded a copy of the FREE Summer of Fun Calendar from Unit Studies Amanda Bennett yet, you will want to! It's full of fun ideas that are free or low cost to keep your kiddos from getting bored this summer. Each day has a clickable link for you to explore, and discount codes for these great studies.
(I was sent a complimentary copy in exchange for my honest opinion as part of the review team).
See what everyone else thought here