I'm sure you have all heard about LifeWay Christian Stores . If not, let me introduce you!
LifeWay Christian Stores is a chain of FABULOUS Christian bookstores, but what you may not know, is that they are also online distributors of just about everything you need for homeschool as well!
I was sent "The Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary for Kids" available online for $14.99. I was not paid for my honest review of this product.
"The Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary for Kids" is a hardcover 212 page book. It is FULL of colorful illustrations, clearly written definitions, and lots and lots of really great pictures. We couldn't keep our hands off it!
I left it, stragetically placed, where it would get "noticed" by the Bentz Review Crew. Before long, several of the reviewers had picked it up and were excited telling the rest of us..."come see this cool picture" (specifically - a man floating in the Dead Sea while reading a newspaper he's holding in both hands....cool!)Without a doubt, it was a hit.
After I spent some time looking at it, I was sold on it too. In addition to being a great Children's Bible Dictionary (and I don't know of many...), I was impressed by the volume of information presented in a really engaging manner. I plan on keeping this handy in our schoolroom, for a long time to come. Not only for reference, but it has numerous lists - Plants of the Bible, Birds of the Bible, Foods in Bible times, Parables of Jesus - just to name a few. Maps are also featured frequently, all in the bright, easy-to-understand presentation that is throughout the book. The "unit study" side of me recognized lots of potential here (any other unit-study-wannabes with me?)!
I'm thinking also, of using this as our Bible subject with my youngers (especially the Prek-3rd grade crowd). We can read the coordinating letter pages in the dictionary along with the letters we are studying. I'm sure they'll have a broad Bible knowledge base when we're done (and I'm sure they won't get bored looking at the pictures!)
All in all, this is a Two-Thumbs-Up product!
See what the other reviewers thought here
I loved that photo of the newspaper reader in the Dead See, too. After experiencing the Dead See first had a couple of years ago, I can honestly see how he did that... however, I am sure that paper got wet when he tried to stand up... putting your feet down is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT. Nice review!