Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.
Latina Christiana Complete set from Memoria Press
Looking to add Latin study to your homeschool? We have been exploring the
Latina Christiana Complete set from
Memoria Press. Latin makes a great addition to your vocabulary studies and a perfect complement to your ancient history study as well.
Complete Set includes everything a beginning Latin student in grades 3-6 needs:
- Student Workbook with 25 weekly lessons plus 5 review lessons
- Teacher Manual with all lesson plans, detailed instructions, history guides, and tests and quizzes
- Pronunciation CD with pronunciations and prayers and songs
- Flashcards for the vocabulary words, derivatives, conjugations, declensions, and Latin sayings
- Instructional DVD

When we first started homeschooling, about 18 years ago, this was one of the first programs we used. I've always been a big fan of
Memoria Press and their high-quality materials. When we opened our box, it brought back lots of fond memories of my sons learning Latin prayers together.
This program is very easy to use, even if you don't know a single sound of Latin!
DVD provides short, easy to follow lessons delivered straight to your student from a master Latin school instructor, all you have to do is push play.
Student Workbook is very straightforward. The 25 weekly lessons are designed to be completed over 30 weeks, including 5 review weeks.
I love what the author says - "
If you will study Latin a little every day, then you will conquer Latin. If you try to learn Latin once a week or just before a test, Latin will conquer you." The goal is to learn each of the sections - Latin Sayings, Vocabulary, Grammar, Derivatives, and then drill and practice them for mastery.
CD will help students with the correct pronunciation. This program teaches the Christian system rather than the Classical. It's closer to English and used in classical music and Christian prayers.
Teacher Guide is another valuable component of this set. It contains everything you need to understand and teach Latin to your students. It's conveniently spiral bound, I love that! It clearly outlines exactly what you need to say and has all the answers for each question, plus masters of tests and quizzes.
In addition to the basics of Latin vocabulary and grammar, this program introduces your student to recognize derivatives (did you know that more than half of all English words come from Latin?), the history and geography of Rome plus several Latin prayers and songs.
Flashcards are a great addition to the program. They are printed on sturdy card stock and designed to hold up with plenty of use. The Teacher's Guide offers some suggestions for general review and games you can play with them, like Jeopardy-Bingo, High Noon, and Gladiators. So many ways to make the review fun and engaging!
The Appendices are packed with extras. The prayers and table blessings are some of our family favorites - it's a fun way to add some variety to your family dinners (and it brought back fond memories from my older sons when the younger girls started praying in Latin...)
In addition to all the songs, sayings and grammar lists - they have a
History Guide with with maps and questions designed to give an overview of Rome.
This is a well designed program that makes Latin study easy to add to your day.
Be sure to check out some of the other programs the Crew has been reviewing -
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