A fresh,new school year invites fresh, new approaches to our family quiet times. We have been using the Spiritual Circle Journal for Kids & Teens from Spiritual Circle Journal to bring some structure to our time.
This is a sturdy, spiral bound journal that can be customized, by your child, designed for children ages 8 and up. It consists of:
- 3 pages of instructions and guidelines to help parents fully utilize the journal
- a sample journal page
- 66 blank journal pages
- 15 summary pages
The blank sections on each journal page give your child a place to write. They are in shapes to help remember each topic. The topics are:
- Journal Entry - What are you thinking about today?
- Lyric/Verse - Has a song or verse caught your attention?
- Message - What is the most important thing you learned lately?
- Confession - Anything you need to say sorry for?
- God Moving - Have you noticed God doing something in your life?
- Lesson Learned Light-Bulb Moment - Any life lessons, or "light bulb" moments?
- Prayer - Need help?
- Thank You/Adoration - What can you thank God for?
- Actions - Anything God is wanting you to do?
The summary pages include circles for recording things like:
- lessons learned
- favorite verses to memorize
- things God is doing in your life
- Bible characters you want to learn more about
The Parent Guide pages are full of helpful tips. The author highly recommends that you sit down and do several pages with your child, giving prompts as needed. This helps them master the way it works.
Then, keep it fun. They don't have to complete every section, every day. A simple sentence is all they need. Add stickers or special pens and markers for your creative kids. The journal includes a blank cover, under a clear plastic protective cover, that your child can decorate as they please. Or, the colorful cover serves a reminder of each journal section.
My tester fell in love with this journal right away.
She likes to find a quiet place to fill in her page, and then, come find me to show me. It's given us numerous opportunities to discuss what God is saying to us.
The author encourages us to share our own faith stories with our children. This is a fabulous tool to introduce them to listening to God on their own. Plus, it creates a great way to talk with them as well.
I'm so impressed...I want my own!
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