- Current notebooking pages include:
- Art Study
- Copywork
- Character Study
- Famous Men & Women
- Geography (state/country studies, continental maps)
- History of the Ancient World, Medieval, Renaissance, Reformation, and Modern Times
- Music Study
- Nature Study
- Science
- Timelines
- And more!
- Search Bar & Table of Contents - makes finding pages so easy
- Tutorials, Tips, Videos - access to everything you need to get started and succeed with this apporach.
- Unlimited LIFETIME access - no need to hurry to download or print, it's always there when you need it
- Cutting out the busywork
- Read books that they have an interest in
- Orally Narrate what they are learning
- Create a notebook page that shows what they learned
Our notebooks have become treasured keepsakes...you never get that result from a workbook! Take a moment and watch the author -Debra L. Reed's notebooking experience here.
Part of the Lifetime Membership includes a very helpful 3 part email series on how to get started with notebooking, It's so easy to implement this into any subject you want to study.
The first thing I did was to create my own "Master Notebooking Notebook". I printed out all the PDF's of the handy "Table of Contents" and "Catalogs" and collected them in a binder (they even have cover pages and spines for your binders!) to show the pages available in each topic. This way, I have the ability to locate the perfect notebooking page to complement whatever topic we are studying.
I love the catalog - each page has a small preview page, and all of these are displayed on pages you can print and keep in your master binder. It makes it very easy to find what you are looking for!

I also really like that they have designed their notebooking pages with open-ended options for your use. These aren't just fill-in-the-blank worksheets, they are simple pages that encourage your child to write, draw, and illustrate what they are learning about a topic in whatever method they prefer. They are learning important skills of reasearching, organizing, summarizing and writing as they complete each page.
The site offers an entire section of 3D pages and Mini books that you can use to create your own lapbooks. The graphics on these pages are not flashy or distracting - they are intentional about creating pages that your student get to provide the content for. Most pages are available in a variety of line formats for you to choose from, primary lines or regular lines.
With 8 students at Bentz Test Laboratory - we easily found topics that EVERYONE wanted to study. Catching their interest in learning is one of our primary goals, and notebooking is the perfect method to achieve this.
Here's a peek at some of the pages they jumped right into, all I asked was..."What are you interested in learning more about?" Summer is a great time to let them pick a topic or two and without any "curriculum" they think it's just for fun...shhh, don't tell them they're learning!
Science topics from Dinosaurs to Human Anatomy (and everything in between). Geography topics covering states, countries, outline maps and more!
Are you planning any summer road trips? National Parks, Monuments and Memorials make a great way to record what they are learning along the way.
Tons of topics for younger students - my testers were delighted with the animal pages and plan to study the entire zoo!
Dozens of topics for older students too. Greek and Latin Roots, Missionary Heroes, and Art/Music Study. The possibilities are truly endless. These pages make an excellent way to build a high school portfolio that shows off what their interests are, and what they have learned.
Here's on of my favorite sections! I am busy planning our upcoming year for history. Notebooking is the perfect way to record what they are learning - Timelines, record pages, and specific event pages for ALL time periods are part of the Lifetime Membership. This is a treasure chest! Check out the Book of Centuries how to video here. Here's some of the templates I found for our history study:
- Spines for your notebook
- Cover Pages, Title Pages
- Dividers for special topics like Daily Living, Government/Politics, Religion/Philosophy, Science/Technology, & more!
- Books Read & Resources Used Templates
- Vocabulary Page
- Timeline Pages (in multiple formats)
- 2 Sets of Different Themed Bordered Notebooking Templates *one set for use with our 3D mini-book system and *one set with a variety of frames and mini-timelines (all-in-one style)
I am only showing you the tip of the iceberg with what you get with the Lifetime Membership! You will want to check this one out for yourself. They offer a FREE Sampler with over 600 pages.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/debrareed.notebookingpages/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NotebookingPgs @NotebookingPgs
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