Guess What?! - I have been chosen to be on the 2010 Review Crew for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine!
So, from time to time - I'll be posting some reviews of curriculum they send to me. I do NOT get paid for this, and these are my opinions only... (Matt was delighted to hear I had found a job - but slighly disappointed to hear I don't get paid).
My first product is:
The Old Schoolhouse Travel Kits - A Simple Way to Bless Others by Donna Rees
I was so excited to get this ebook! The timing was perfect, since my family was about to leave on a 15 hour road trip. Let me clarify... 15 hours, in a passenger van (3 rows deep...), no DVD player, and 8 children - ages 1 -12. See why I couldn't wait to dive into this book?!
This 93 page book did not disappoint! It has chapters covering everything from the basics, presentation and distribution, making gifts for others and even suggestions for snacks and how to prepare your vehicle for the trip. It is full of useful inspiration, testimonials and how-to's.
I especially enjoyed the chapter on presentation and distribution. Individually wrapping those "goodies" may be more time consuming before you go...but, they love the un-wrapping along the route! Be sure to keep those garbage bags handy!
I found so many new ideas for making our trip more enjoyable: games, snacks, stories. But, one of the truly great chapters expanded the usefulness of this book past just "travel". You'll want to be sure to check out the chapter "Variations on a Theme" - just to see what I mean! I'll be using those ideas all year around.
For anyone planning some travel with children this summer, this is a must-have resource.
Here's a couple of testimonials of my own... aren't they cute!
Be sure to check out all the reviews available on The Old Schoolhouse Review blog at: www.homeschoolblogger.com/homeschoolcrew